How to vacation and not burn your business!
How to Take a Vacation Without Neglecting Your Business: Strategies for ADHD Entrepreneurs
Do you need to figure out how to vacation without feeling like your business is going to fall apart in your absence?
Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
Are you feeling overwhelmed just thinking about planning a break from your business?
In this episode I'm sharing my tips on how to vacation without feeling like you're burning your business to the ground!
Learn how to set yourself up for success and reduce anxiety when taking a break from your business.
You'll hear practical tips for before, during, and after your vacation, and gain valuable insight into managing your business while enjoying some well-deserved time off.
I'll teach you why documenting your standard operating procedure is crucial before you plan a vacation.
I'll also explain the importance of having a clear plan of action in place.
You'll discover strategies for managing effective client communications, maintaining visibility on social media while on vacation, and easing back into work once you return.
By the end of this episode, you'll be so equipped with the tools and mindset to take a vacation without fear of your business suffering in your absence, you'll spend the next few days browsing for the dream getaway!
Timestamped Summary:
00:00 Document your daily activities to better understand.
05:40 Business owner juggling responsibilities and daily forgetfulness.
10:13 Plan vacation communication well in advance for success.
12:23 Plan content ahead for stress-free vacations.
17:22 Vacation problems can ruin your team's experience.
21:02 Revive your online presence after vacation break.
22:54 Starting a business without unrealistic expectations.
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Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel. In this episode, I'm going to tell you how
Speaker:you can go on vacation and actually enjoy yourself without crashing and
Speaker:burning your business. Hi, I'm Katie McManus, business
Speaker:strategist and money mindset coach. And welcome to the Weenie cast,
Speaker:squirrel. I'll be honest, I feel like a bit of a
Speaker:hypocrite talking about this topic. I have grown up
Speaker:in a place that is a vacation destination and I
Speaker:never go on vacation. I think it's just, it's how you get trained. When you
Speaker:grow up in a place that's beautiful and people pay to go to, it's, you're
Speaker:like, oh, cool, like, I can just be on vacation whenever I want. The other
Speaker:side of this is I really enjoy working. It's one of my favorite
Speaker:things to do. And maybe that sounds sad, but it just. It
Speaker:genuinely is. It's one of the things that I can never, I can never imagine
Speaker:retiring or giving it up. I say this to you as someone who
Speaker:is notoriously bad at actually going on vacation, but
Speaker:many of my clients are very talented at going on vacation and
Speaker:they do it often. And the panic
Speaker:that comes up before, during and after a vacation for
Speaker:an ADHD business owner is exactly the same for
Speaker:each and every person. In this episode, I'm going to show you how
Speaker:you can set yourself up for success and
Speaker:reduce your anxiety when you go on vacation and take a
Speaker:break from your business.
Speaker:So before we even talk about the planned vacation, let's
Speaker:talk about before you even planned a vacation. Okay, so
Speaker:this episode, you're actually going to walk away with some homework. And I'm sorry, maybe
Speaker:you didn't plan on doing homework today, but too bad. Suck it up,
Speaker:buttercup. You're going to do this and you're going to email me afterwards and
Speaker:tell me what your standard operating procedure is. And why do we care about a
Speaker:standard operating procedure? Well, let me tell you why.
Speaker:The number one question I get from clients after they come back from
Speaker:vacation is I forgot how to do my job. I forgot what
Speaker:I do every single day. How do I post on social media? How do I
Speaker:get clients? How do I respond to an email? That last one, I'm kind of
Speaker:exaggerating. But anyway, before you even plan a
Speaker:vacation, you need to document exactly what
Speaker:you do day in and day out. And I'm not gonna give you the
Speaker:homework that we're all used to getting. That is completely
Speaker:undoable for people with ADHD, which is, as you go through your day,
Speaker:just document every single thing you do as you do it. You know, it's
Speaker:like the food diaries that nutritionists want us to do, where every
Speaker:single time we sit down to eat something or we have a snack, we pull
Speaker:out our little journal and we jot it down, write down
Speaker:how it made us feel and what our emotions were that made us eat it,
Speaker:and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because that doesn't f
Speaker:work. Maybe neurotypicals have the ability to
Speaker:add an extra action into all the actions they do every
Speaker:single day as a one off thing. ADHD people can't
Speaker:do that. It does not work for us.
Speaker:So I want you to open up your phone if you're in a safe place
Speaker:where you can do so. If you're driving, I want you to try really, really
Speaker:hard to remember this for when you get somewhere that you can safely do this.
Speaker:And I want you to go into your phone and set an alarm
:00 p.m. Every single day for the next
:week. And in this alarm, I want you to name it.
:Create a list of all the did, and I want you to count
:everything from. You commented on people's posts on LinkedIn.
:You answered a few emails. You had three client calls, you did
:a few sales calls. You created content, you did a
:webinar. And what you did is document all of it.
:Because I can tell you from personal experience
:and secondhand experience through my clients that a two week vacation can
:make you forget half of it. I've had clients come back from
:vacation having completely forgotten that they need to post to social
:media. I talk a lot about not relying
:on motivation to run our businesses and leaning more
:into momentum. The reason it's so important to lean
:into momentum is because people with ADHD actually don't
:have the ability to automatically do habits.
:Meaning that for neurotypical, when they wake up, the first thing they do without
:thinking is brush their teeth and take a shower. The second thing they do without
:even thinking about it is make breakfast. And it's like the breakfast that they
:eat. They don't have to think about it. They may get their briefcase together if
:people still use briefcases. I don't know. It seems kind of out of date these
:days. If they have children, hopefully they're also feeding those children
:and getting them off to school. And doesn't that sound amazing? Just
:waking up and doing the things that you need to do and not having to
:think. Okay, cool. Here's how much time I have. Here are the things that
:I need to do. I need to brush my teeth. At some point, I need
:to do this. I need this. Which order do I want to do it in?
:What do I want to have for breakfast when I shower? Do I need to
:shave my legs? Oh, God. Should I get my hair wet? Because then I have
:to blow dry it? Like, it's insane the amount of thinking
:that ADHD people have to do. And we don't realize that not
:everyone has to do this. Like
:when I realized that neurotypicals
:don't have to go through the daily planning to figure
:out how you can fit all the things in. It's just something that they do.
:It made me very angry. That's not fair.
:Like, I'm exhausted. There's no wonder I take
:a granny nap most days because the amount of decisions that we have to
:make as humans with ADHD is already
:exhausting. Add to that all the responsibilities of a business
:owner who owns multiple businesses or even just one business, that's a
:lot. It is nap worthy. And on a daily
:basis, we can forget things that we do every single day.
:And I say this because I know you're a safe place to share this and
:you won't judge me because you probably do the same thing. There are days where
:it's 02:00 p.m. And I'm like, oh, my God, I forgot to brush my teeth.
:So if we can forget a
:habit that we've done every single day for our whole lives
:of having, you know, teeth in our mouths, think about all the
:things that you struggle to build a habit around in
:your business and imagine not doing them for two weeks
:and coming back and trying to remember them all again and
:trying to figure out how to fit them all back into your schedule.
:It's really hard. Just remembering them is really hard. So
:I don't want you to lean into your perfectionist at all when you do
:this. I want you to just brain dump every single thing that you
:did in your business every day for the next week.
:And if you want a gold star for extra effort, put in
:the things that you also wanted to do and didn't have time for.
:So once you have this list, ideally what you're going to pull from
:it is you're going to pull from it the daily things that you do every
:single damn day or that you should be doing every single damn day. Let's be
:real. You're not doing it all, all the time. You're also going to pull the
:things that you do weekly or a couple times a week. And
:in addition to that, you're going to pull the things that you should be doing
:monthly. And I say should because, like, oftentimes we forget about it if it's
:not something that we're doing on a more consistent, frequent basis.
:And a fourth list you're going to make is the things that you should
:be doing that you don't quite get to. This is your standard operating
:procedure. We're not going to overthink it. We're not going to make it more glitzy
:or glammy or more organized than that. I want you to save these
:lists in a place that is visible so that you'll remember that
:it exists. Because, remember, when something's out of sight, it doesn't exist
:anymore because we have a little thing called object
:impermanence. Funny story. So, over the last few months, I have this
:tiny, tiny bedside table. And, like, my bedroom is kind of small, so it's
:really the only size table that fits next to my bed. And
:to give you an idea, it's like, 14 inches wide and twelve inches deep. It
:has a lamp on it. It has a box of tissues. It has, like, my
:favorite hand lotion. It has a gazillion hair ties. It
:has pens. So many pens. It has white out also, because,
:you know, sometimes when I'm, like, doing some work from bed, I make mistakes and
:I have to use whiteout, obviously, like most people. And,
:you know, it has, like, advil and just a bunch of other
:random that ends up on your nightstand, right?
:Literally, I try to cram so much stuff on this that I'll, like, scoot
:a little mug of tea on it and, like, things will fall off the back.
:And this has been driving me absolutely fucking mental
:for months. The other day, I was cleaning my room, and I'm looking at
:this nightstand, and I'm like, this is a problem. I need to figure this out.
:And I'm looking at the nightstand, and I realized
:it has a drawer. This nightstand
:has always had. I keep things in the drawer of the nightstand.
:Literally. It's not like this was a surprise
:drawer. It's not like it was hidden. I've legit had
:this nightstand for 23 years. I've had it for
:more than half of my life. It's something that I think we got from one
:of my grandmothers, and I had it as a child, and then I've just taken
:it with me wherever I've moved. This drawer has things in it, I'm
:sure, from middle school. And I just realized that I could use
:the drawer to put things inside. Now. I put a bunch of stuff
:inside, and we'll just have to see if I remember.
:I could honestly have a crisis of no more hair ties. You know,
:I may go out and buy another big bottle of advil. You
:know, I might have to go order more pens, because out of sight, out
:of mind. And I share this with you not to. Not to
:brag about how smart I am, but to showcase
:how important it is. If something's important, we need to keep it out
:and visible so that we don't forget that it exists.
:When I had this, aha. I literally called my best friend to brag about how
:smart I am. She was very impressed. Okay, so that's
:your homework. That's your homework. I want you to do this before you
:even plan a vacation.
:Next on our timeline, let's talk about what you do when you actually plan
:the vacation. So there are a few things that are super important
:for you to do when you're planning a vacation is a figure out
:what kind of communication you need to have with your existing
:clients. Are you going to be unreachable? Is there someone else that they can
:reach out to if they need help? Are you going to complete projects before
:then? Do you have someone filling in for you for their sessions?
:Depending on what kind of business you run, figure out what that
:communication is and figure out how much advance
:warning they need that you're going to be off for whatever amount of time you're
:going on vacation for. Make sure that they are set up
:for success in that time. One of the things I'm
:so grateful I learned from, from previous jobs is
:you always want to think about what that customer or client
:experience is and what are the things that can make it go
:well and go badly. Now, something that can make it go
:badly is if you send an email on,
:say, a Thursday night saying, hey, clients, so tomorrow's my
:last day in the office before I go away for two weeks. Do
:you have any questions before I do this? Otherwise, I'll see you in two
:weeks, right? Your client may not see that email until Friday
:afternoon, and at which point maybe they have some major
:questions, and then it either becomes their emergency
:or your emergency. And if it's their emergency, you have an unhappy
:client. If it's your emergency, then that's
:eating into days of your vacation you don't want either.
:Warn your clients. Communicate with them in advance
:what they need to know about how long you're gonna be gone, how things are
:gonna be handled while you're away, and touch base with them
:multiple times to make sure that things are taken care of before you
:go. It's better to over communicate than under communicate.
:Next, what kind of visibility needs to happen while you're
:away? This is one of the hardest things for me because I struggle
:with batching content. I really do. I'm an intuitive writer.
:I kind of sense what does the universe need to hear from me today and
:then just write, whatever that is. It's hard for me when I'm batching content to
:think, okay, what will the world need from me on Thursday the 17th?
:It just doesn't work the same way. So there are some ways that I
:manage this for myself and there are strategies that I walk my clients through if
:you're curious about those, and I invite you to either join the hyper focused membership
:where I guide a lot of our members through these types of
:questions, or book a generate income strategy call with me so
:we can find a custom strategy for you and your
:business so that you can consistently create content that
:attracts high paying clients.
:As you're planning a vacation, you want to make sure that you're not dropping
:the ball on visibility because if people don't know that
:you exist, they can't give you their money.
:And while you're off enjoying life and
:living it up and on the beach or at museums or
:diving with turtles, whatever you know, tickles your fancy on vacation,
:you don't want to be stressing about oh my God, there's no new clients coming
:in. Oh my God, people aren't going to know that I exist. Oh my
:God, my audience is going to forget that I exist. What will help you
:enjoy your vacation more is knowing that you have pre
:written and prescheduled all the posts to go out
:for the time that you're out of office. And let me tell you, it is
:so much easier when you're at the beach enjoying your
:time having a margarita, which actually you shouldn't have at the beach because I
:just learned that lime juice can actually cause you to get
:chemical burns on your skin if you're exposed to
:sunlight at the same time, which is absolutely crazy to me
:because it feels like lime is a major ingredient of day
:drinking things. They should really warn people about this early on,
:and I say that as a non drinker, I want everyone to be able to
:drink whatever frosty, vegan, vacationy beverage they
:want while they're on the beach and in the sun, but do so with
:safety for your skin in mind. Also, wear
:sunscreen. I feel like this is the most ADHD episode we've had in
:a while.
:But anyway, while you're on the beach enjoying that beverage, it's
:so much easier to just log into social media and
:respond to comments than it is to log into social media.
:Think, oh my God, I have to post something. There's nothing being posted right now.
:I have to post something that's interesting, inspiring, gets people to book a
:sales call with me, but not right now. In two weeks when I get back
:to the office, it's way more fun to just go in and see the
:responses that people had to whatever you wrote three weeks
:ago that got posted this morning without you having to do
:anything and just comment on their comments. Maybe dm
:them live on the wild side. It's your vacation or not. You
:don't have to do that also. But the point being, you need to
:plan for how you're gonna stay visible while you're
:on vacation without requiring yourself
:to do work while you're on vacation. The last bit
:when you're planning a vacation may sound like a no
:brainer. And you may hear this and be like, oh, God, I would never do
:that. That's crazy. Who would do that? I hear you and
:also, I know better and I try to do this sh t all the time.
:So I warn you, like, your brain is
:used to trying to squeeze in work and do
:things with a very limited amount of time, right? Because that's how you've
:done everything. You've written papers the night before, you've crammed for tests
:like the morning of, and you've pulled it off because you
:learn really fast and you thrive under pressure.
:Any launches you have coming up, anything
:that's being put out into the world is brand new. Any
:big promotions you're running, look at the schedule and
:make sure that none of those actions are happening
:during your vacation time. And I know you're going to be like, well, who would
:do that? That's crazy. No, you don't do that stuff around vacation. And
:yet, as ADHD business owners, we're often
:looking at, you know, the best way to do something and we're like, yes,
:absolutely, that is the best way to do it. But I
:can probably do it in a different way. I can probably hack that.
:I can probably set this up to run in the background while I'm on vacation.
:No, because things go
:wrong. That's not an if, that is a
:guarantee. Things go wrong. Email sequences
:will get f ed up. Your tagging sequences. If you have an email system, you
:know what a tagging system is. If you don't then don't worry about it. Sign
:ups go wrong. People have questions. They may have ordered the wrong thing.
:Don't plan promotions or launches during your
:vacation time. Either do it sooner or do it after.
:Don't think because you're smart and brilliant and can usually
:pull off that it'll be different for you. Because while, yes,
:you are smart and brilliant and can usually pull things off,
:don't try to pull this off. It will ruin your vacation.
:And if you have a team supporting you who's dealing with things
:going wrong for you, they will feel so
:terrible reaching out to you, asking you questions while you're sitting at the
:beach or in a museum. And finally, what
:do you do when you come back from vacation? This is one of the most
:important parts because, oh, what am I going to say next? Well, you'll have to
:keep listening to find out. But first, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel,
:And finally, what do you do when you come back
:from vacation? This is one of the most important parts because you know that
:feeling when you get back from traveling and you feel like you need a vacation
:from your vacation, and then add to that
:exhaustion, maybe some jet lag and
:maybe like, crap ton of laundry that's going to sit on your floor
:in your suitcase until you get the energy to do it, I don't know,
:next couple weeks. And then the guilt and embarrassment that it's still there
:that you're gonna experience for that first week back, it'll be like a month down
:the road and you'll have completely forgotten about the guilt as you step over your
:suitcases that still have, like, dirty laundry hanging out of them. But that first
:week, it's kind of hard because you have this expectation that you
:should be doing it. Add to all that going
:back into your business and panicking that you don't remember
:what you should be doing. It is the literal worst.
:So here's what you're going to do to set yourself up for
:success so you do not have a gazillion panic attacks that first week
:back. First, you're going to create a minimum of three
:posts that you're going to share on Monday,
:Wednesday and Friday that week, three of those other days. I don't
:care if it's Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Tuesday,
:Thursday, Saturday, whatever cadence you want to do. You're just gonna
:share pictures from your vacation. You're not gonna worry about it being
:clever. You're just gonna share pictures of your vacation. You're gonna make
:some people jealous. But what it does when you share
:that kind of stuff about your life. It makes people feel like they know you.
:It makes them feel like they work with you. You know, it's the kind of
:stuff that if you were at an actual networking event and you're meeting
:people and, you know, talking to them, what do you do? What do you do?
:Blah, like, wow, like you have a tan. Like, did you go
:somewhere? Like you would pull out your phone and you would show pictures of
:your most recent vacation? You and I both know you would.
:Anyone that you go to coffee with or have lunch with or bump into. Oh
:my God. Let me show you the beach. It was so beautiful. It's something
:that makes people feel like they know you, like they're close to you. Share
:it on social media. It builds trust and it makes your
:content creation for the week so f easy so you
:don't have to overthink it. And as you and I both know, the
:most important thing that you can do in your business, day in and day out,
:is do visibility. People can't hire you if they don't know that you
:exist and your clients are already your clients. They're going to stay
:with you. But once they're done, you need to be able to backfill them.
:Don't create a vacuum where you have no one to backfill them.
:With your first day back in your business, you're
:going to a reach out to all of your clients and check in with them.
:Make sure nothing blew up. Make sure that they have their
:next meeting scheduled with you or whatever it is that you do with
:them. Touch base. If you have a team that was supporting them, touch base with
:the team and see what the progress is and just do a touch base,
:talk to so and so. And they said that they got to x point
:in this project they're working on for you. Sounds like some great
:progress was made. Here's what we're looking to do this week as I
:get back into it. This will make your clients feel so taken care
:of. And that first day back, after you do that, you're
:then going to go onto social media and you're going to engage. You're
:going to comment on all the comments that were made on your post while you
:were away. You're going to go and comment on other people's stuff depending on the
:platform you're on. You don't want to do this for LinkedIn. If you're on TikTok,
:go and share relevant videos. What you
:want to do when you come back is you want to wake up the algorithm
:right because if you were on vacation and away from your business,
:chances are you weren't as active as you normally were. So
:the algorithm has started reading. Oh, they're not that
:active. We shouldn't show their stuff to many people. The first thing you want to
:do is wake that up, and that's it. Your first day back.
:Make that enough. Don't schedule more. Block
:your calendar for sales calls. You're not going to be good on a sales call
:the first day back from vacation. I know you think you're going to be arrested,
:but you and I both know that's bullshit. To get from vacation
:to your home, you had to have a travel day.
:I don't care what level of first class status you
:had on what transportation mode you took to and fro your
:vacation. Traveling is exhausting, especially
:for people with ADHD, because it's a
:lot, because it's a lot of decision making,
:it's a lot of stimulation that we don't normally have to deal with,
:a lot of sounds, a lot of, like, different visual
:stimuli. Your brain needs just
:a beat to reset and recalibrate back to being
:home, and that's okay. Your first week back from
:vacation, plan a light week,
:okay. You do not have to come back and give it
:110% right away. The goal of starting a business,
:the way we talk about on this podcast is to create a
:business that can withstand you being human, that doesn't
:require you to be a robot, to be 110%
:productive every single second of every single day, it's just not
:realistic. And when you set the expectation that you should be doing
:that, and then you don't meet it because you're exhausted,
:and that's not a realistic expectation. The only thing you do is
:you start associating the work you're doing with failure. And what
:happens when we start associating something with failure? We start avoiding
:it, because you've already failed at it, you're not going to get any dopamine from
:it. I can't tell you how many clients I've had go on vacation, come
:back, they have a session with me like a week after they got back,
:and they admit to me as if they'd murdered someone. Like, murdered someone
:and their whole family and their dog. Like, with that level of
:guilt that they hadn't posted to social media since they got back,
:like it was the worst thing in the world and they felt so bad, and
:it's like, well, I should just give up. If I haven't posted in the last
:week, then it's over. I won't be able to post
:again and it's done. I should just close up shop now. And of course I'm
:exaggerating, but not by much. Perceived
:failure is really painful for people with ADHD,
:so stop setting yourself up for it. If you build a business
:while being a human and being realistic about
:the things you can get done every single day, you're going to build a business
:that's successful by you being
:a regular human that doesn't require you to give
:100 being and 10% all the time. And that's the goal.
:And that, my friends, is how you successfully go on vacation as a business owner.
:Squirrel, squirrel. If you're ready to stop being a weenie and actually run a business
:that makes money, then go ahead and book a generate income
:strategy call with me by going to weenie strategy call. On this
:call we will talk about your goals, your dreams, and your
:frustrations in getting there. And if it's a fit for both of
:us, then we can talk about different ways to work together.
:Now, time to get on with your homework.
:Squirrel. Squirrel. Squirrel. Squirrel.