Episode 39

Published on:

9th Jul 2023

As ADHD entrepreneurs we need to STOP calling ourselves lazy!

The Truth About Laziness and ADHD: Dispelling Misconceptions and Promoting Productivity

(Psst! The resource Katie mentions in this episode is here - weeniecast.com/adhdsocialmedia)

"Sometimes being lazy is just a massive sign from the universe that you need to hire someone else to do this for you or get some help. It's not a reflection of your capabilities, it's a strategic decision for your productivity." - Katie McManus

Hey there, my ADHD tribe!

In this episode of the Weeniecast, join me, Katie McManus, as we dive into the misunderstood world of laziness and ADHD. Discover the truth behind executive dysfunction, the need for rest, and the difficulty in shifting gears. But be prepared for a twist that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about laziness...

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Need more personal one-to-one help from me? Stop being a weenie and book a call with me! Here's the link - https://bookkatiemcmanus.as.me/Strategycall Stop Calling Yourself Lazy

Let's shake up that story we've been telling ourselves, the one where we call ourselves 'lazy'.


When we hear people call us that it's like pouring salt in a wound and it's as far from the truth as a chihuahua is from a T-Rex.

We're not lazy – far from it.

We're simply prioritizing in a world that often seems to be spinning faster than we can keep up. 🌍

In our latest Weeniecast episode, we're taking that tired ol' 'L' word and tossing it in the trash!


Because it's not serving us.

Instead, let's dish out some kindness and understanding to ourselves. 🙌

Sometimes, what looks like inaction is just our brains needing a pit stop or seeking some much-needed help.

It doesn't mean we're deficient. On the contrary, it's a sign of wisdom - we're not stupid, we know when to take a breath and re-evaluate our game plan. 🧩

Remember, you're not lazy, you're simply a strategic prioritizer!

Delegating and Hiring Help

Ever stared down a task that felt like you were trying to herd cats?

Been there, worn the fur!

Trust me - there’s no medal for trying to wrangle the un-wrangle-able. 🐈

Here’s the secret sauce: Delegation.

It's an unsung hero in our ADHD toolkit and a game-changer when it comes to managing executive dysfunction.

It's not about being 'lazy' (let's fire that word off into the cosmos, shall we?).

It’s about being a smart player on the chessboard of life. ♟️

In my latest Weeniecast episode, as I have in previous ones!, I’m hoisting the flag for delegation and outsourcing.

You know those 'lazy' tasks (the ones that seem about as easy to tackle as herding cats)?

Well, they could be someone else's piece of cake, their 'zone of genius.' 🎂

So here’s the big reveal: It’s perfectly okay not to do everything yourself. In fact, it’s pure genius. Reach out, delegate, and watch your game level soar like an eagle on jet fuel.

It’s all about playing smart, not hard. 😉

The Importance of Rest

Think 'rest' and 'lazy' are synonymous?

Let me tell you, they're about as similar as apples and hedgehogs.

In the ADHD entrepreneur world, it's easy to believe that rest equals laziness. But that's about as far from the truth as we can get.

Rest is the unsung hero of productivity, not its nemesis.

It's the secret sauce that keeps us going, the recharge that fuels our drive. Trust me, there are days when I'm flying a thousand miles an hour and I feel every bit of it.

Rather than pushing myself into the ground, I've learned to embrace the power of the pause. 

Rest isn't a sign of weakness, and it's not a luxury—it's a pit stop on the highway to success.

So let's stop guzzling energy drinks and start letting ourselves recharge. Your business, your brain, and your sanity will thank you.

Listen to this latest Weeniecast episode to unpack more about the power of rest.

Because burnout is so last season—we're all about balance now

In this episode, you will:


  • Hear me debunk common misconceptions surrounding ADHD and laziness, bringing clarity to a commonly misunderstood topic.
  • Discover the often blurred distinction between laziness and executive dysfunction, shedding new light on behaviors previously attributed to lack of effort.
  • Realize the underrated but fundamental role rest plays in the lives of people with ADHD, an important counterpoint to today's fast-paced society.
  • Learn to manage executive dysfunction with effective strategies, essential tools to navigate life with ADHD.
  • Reframe inaction from a weakness into a sign of learning or a cry for help, promoting a culture of productivity steeped in self-compassion and understanding.
The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:51 - The difference between laziness and executive dysfunction 00:04:11 - Lack of confidence and learning new skills 00:06:27 - Delegating and hiring help 00:09:43 - The need for and importance of rest 00:14:13 - The importance of rest 00:15:16 - Shifting gears in your ADHD mobile 00:17:18 - Strategies for shifting gears 00:18:45 - Creating a restful weekend routine 00:21:29 - Stop calling yourself lazy

Don't beat yourself up for needing rest after a long day. It's not laziness, it's your body and mind telling you that you need to recharge. Embrace the rest and come back stronger tomorrow. - Katie McManus

Stop calling yourself lazy for not taking action. It's not laziness, it's a whole slew of other things like executive dysfunction and needing rest or gear shifting. - Katie McManus

Mentioned in this episode:

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About the Podcast

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners
I help ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners make more money in less time. And currently, I'm helping some of them get eleven times the value of their investment back.
How do I do it?
I help them understand and leverage their ADHD so they can get it working for them, not against them when it comes to their business strategy.
Do you want to learn specific tools and tricks for overcoming ADHD in YOUR business?
Want coaching on money mindset, sales advice, and general ADHD entrepreneurship, but from the safety and comfort of your own space?
Maybe you're an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start your own business but feel burdened by your ADHD diagnosis?
If you're wanting to listen to business strategy and money mindset advice that's specifically targeted to business owners like you who have ADHD and other types of neurodiversity, then "The Weeniecast" is the ADHD entrepreneurs podcast for YOU.

I've helped ADHD entrepreneurs like you to scale their revenue towards six figures in months, not years.
It can be done.

ADHD doesn't have to be as big an issue in business as some people think.

With each episode of this podcast, I'll be guiding you further along the path to entrepreneurial success even if you have ADHD.

Each episode we cover various ADHD entrepreneur challenges including:

Leadership skills
Executive dysfunction and ADHD meltdowns
Embracing imperfection
Overcoming rejection sensitive dysphoria
'Shiny object syndrome'
Time management (and why things like pomodoro technique don't work for us)...

If you're an ADHD entrepreneur, then you'll be only too familiar with any of these challenges and how they can impact on your business.

Do YOU allow them to get in the way of your success?

If so, stop whatever you’re doing, and click the follow or subscribe button for this show on your favorite podcast app, right NOW!

I'm Katie McManus and I help entrepreneurs with ADHD to stop being weenies, and start being successful.

As a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) I know how to help people like you to break through their own limiting self beliefs.

I help them understand their own potential for growing their dream business and making seriously life changing amounts of money.

Having ADHD does not stop you from having a winning business strategy!

Each episode I’ll be sharing stories and insights which will inspire you, as a fellow ADHD person with designs on entrepreneurship to step OUT of the weenie, and IN to the winning life of being a successful ADHD entrepreneur!
Learn more about the show at weeniecast.com
Learn more about how I help people like you at katiemcmanus.com
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