
Published on:

5th Nov 2023

Entrepreneurs with ADHD have to balance dark and light - a Hyperfocus highlight episode

A hyperfocus highlight episode: adhd entrepreneurs balancing dark and light

Welcome to this Hyperfocus highlight episode of "The Weeniecast", for ADHD entrepreneurs looking to hyperfocus on business growth.

We're talking the darker side of ADHD and how it affects our mental health as entrepreneurs.

I'm discussing the impact of perceived rejection, the high rates of depression, and the weight of carrying around a book of evidence that confirms our perceived shortcomings.

Also, let's not forget the importance of taking care of our mental health, managing anxiety, and building support systems to navigate these challenges. 

But it's not all doom and gloom.

There are some incredible strengths of being an ADHD entrepreneur, such as our capacity for creativity, our ability to make unique connections, and our knack for coming up with quirky metaphors. 

If you're ready to shift gears from being a Weenie to running a profitable business, I'd like to invite you to book a free generate income strategy call with me at

This call will help you explore your goals, dreams, and frustrations, and if it's a fit, discuss ways to work together. Get ready to embrace both the light and dark sides of ADHD entrepreneurship. 

And if you enjoy this specially abridged episode, you can hear the full version of it by clicking here.



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About the Podcast

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners
I help ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners make more money in less time. And currently, I'm helping some of them get eleven times the value of their investment back.
How do I do it?
I help them understand and leverage their ADHD so they can get it working for them, not against them when it comes to their business strategy.
Do you want to learn specific tools and tricks for overcoming ADHD in YOUR business?
Want coaching on money mindset, sales advice, and general ADHD entrepreneurship, but from the safety and comfort of your own space?
Maybe you're an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start your own business but feel burdened by your ADHD diagnosis?
If you're wanting to listen to business strategy and money mindset advice that's specifically targeted to business owners like you who have ADHD and other types of neurodiversity, then "The Weeniecast" is the ADHD entrepreneurs podcast for YOU.

I've helped ADHD entrepreneurs like you to scale their revenue towards six figures in months, not years.
It can be done.

ADHD doesn't have to be as big an issue in business as some people think.

With each episode of this podcast, I'll be guiding you further along the path to entrepreneurial success even if you have ADHD.

Each episode we cover various ADHD entrepreneur challenges including:

Leadership skills
Executive dysfunction and ADHD meltdowns
Embracing imperfection
Overcoming rejection sensitive dysphoria
'Shiny object syndrome'
Time management (and why things like pomodoro technique don't work for us)...

If you're an ADHD entrepreneur, then you'll be only too familiar with any of these challenges and how they can impact on your business.

Do YOU allow them to get in the way of your success?

If so, stop whatever you’re doing, and click the follow or subscribe button for this show on your favorite podcast app, right NOW!

I'm Katie McManus and I help entrepreneurs with ADHD to stop being weenies, and start being successful.

As a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) I know how to help people like you to break through their own limiting self beliefs.

I help them understand their own potential for growing their dream business and making seriously life changing amounts of money.

Having ADHD does not stop you from having a winning business strategy!

Each episode I’ll be sharing stories and insights which will inspire you, as a fellow ADHD person with designs on entrepreneurship to step OUT of the weenie, and IN to the winning life of being a successful ADHD entrepreneur!
Learn more about the show at
Learn more about how I help people like you at
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